Monday, 1 June 2015

The Witcher 2 : Assassins of Kings

In my continued attempt to finish more single player games, I have dusted off my old copy of The Witcher 2, which I struggled to get into last year.

And it's AWESOME! The controls, that seemed very complex before, now seem very natural and the story and cut scenes are incredible. Having read some of the original books, I'm very familiar with the character and setting and this is an excellent rendering. I'm hoping I can keep up and finish the game and then perhaps try The Witcher 3 that everyone is talking about now.


  1. I got a free copy of The Witcher 2 via GOG a while back but haven't gotten around to playing it. The hype surrounding W3 makes it appear to be a great game, but I would prefer to toy with 2 before dumping money on the new one. Plus I rarely buy games at full price anymore, so I'd prefer to wait for a sale.

    Glad to see you're enjoying it. We'll have to compare notes when I get around to it.

    1. It's getting better and better. I really recommend jumping in and trying it. If you can get through the tutorial, the combat starts to make sense.

  2. I got a free copy of The Witcher 2 via GOG a while back but haven't gotten around to playing it. The hype surrounding W3 makes it appear to be a great game, but I would prefer to toy with 2 before dumping money on the new one. Plus I rarely buy games at full price anymore, so I'd prefer to wait for a sale.

    Glad to see you're enjoying it. We'll have to compare notes when I get around to it.

  3. Sadly, the Witcher games' combat mastered me - I played both 1 and 2, and didn't get very far in either. But I was extremely impressed by the storytelling and music in 2.

    As for the novels, I remember reading 'The Last Wish' years ago and wishing the translation had more flair - it came off almost like fan fiction in some places! Maybe that was an older version...

    1. The story telling is great but the combat is different. So far I'm feeling I don't have to use everything so I've mastered enough to get by (so far)

      I felt the same about The Last Wish, but it was the first edition of the first translation of his first book. I'd like to dive in to his more recent stuff and see how it holds up.

  4. Is it still Quen, hack-hack-hack, roll, Quen, repeat?

    Oh, and I seem to remember this was the cover of the one I read:
