They're a very creative bunch, The Courserrim, my kinship on Lotro's Landroval server but tonight I was invited to take a look at the latest creation, our very own Public House.
There are some very nice touches; yellow and green flowered wallpaper (flock, I'm sure, if I could feel it), tables of tankards and all the kegs and shelves stacked with mugs you could wish for.
The pub was designed by Kin leader, Bredhe and Kin-friend, Daffodilia, with a little colour inspiration from yours truly. Stools were provided by the House of Trecalia.
We are on the lookout for a 'Laden Tasting Table', a fairly rare item, so if anyone of Landroval has one spare, please get in touch. We'll allow you honourary membership and all the beer you can drink!
And, of course, if anyone is looking for a friendly kinship on Landroval, with a strong interest in the source material, The Courserrim, which also incorporates the award winning Remediators band, welcome new applicants.
Our kinship page is and you can contact Bredhe in game for more information. We are also on Anook at
Captain Diaspora, enjoying a pint. |
A good spot to sit after a pint or two |
Another great spot, I think I may have dozed off. |
A very sinister looking keg |
No shortage of Ale! |
Courserrim? As in, alumni of the Coursera class? What great company to be in. I missed that boat, but I'll be sure to look you guys up if I ever return to Landy for any significant span of time.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I like about this 'pub', from what I can see from the shots anyway, is how open and uncluttered it is - and no immersion-breaking trophies! That's as it should be. Now all that remains is to encourage frequent patronage. Do you guys also open doors to the public?
Ah this is why i thought I'd posted on both my blogs :)
DeleteIndeed, I was there for the first Coursera class and helped found the kinship on Landroval. As well as taking in new students each year we welcome anyone with an interest in the Lore. We also have a public channel to allow the kin to talk to friends, /joinchannel coursera
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if the pub is currently open to the general public (and servers are currently down so can't check)
There is one trophy not shown, the moose head smoking a pipe, which I felt was very fitting!
I like your post so much. Thanks for sharing